ABOVE: Kanise hugging a reluctant Leah.
ABOVE: Heeyoon and Leah listening to my iPod. Kanise in the background looking for something to steal.
ABOVE: Leah trying to be patient as Kanise "plays" rush hour
ABOVE: My favorite sticky note :) Leah and Heeyoon, figure it out
ABOVE: PJ and Donovan. PJ is actually smiling as Don is preoccupied with his glow sticks.
ABOVE: Me, PJ, and our gang symbols. They represent the "Word of Wisdom". I'm wearing my awesome Word Dictionary t-shirt! AAAA!
ABOVE: Liz on the computer about to check facebook... again
ABOVE: The hot fudge Grandma Searles made for us. It is the most delicious, delectable toopping ever. Trust me.
ABOVE: You are a child of a Heavenly king, who loves you. Be true to your divine nature. (see 1 Peter 2:9)
ABOVE: Living temple covenants together brings out the best in each, forever (see True to the Faith p. 97)
ABOVE: President Gordon B. Hinkley
ABOVE: (see Hymns, no. 21)
ABOVE: It's not the same without you (see D&C 84:110)
ABOVE: Recognize the blessings that are raining down on you, and enjoy them with thanks (see D&C 105:12)
ABOVE: (For ideas, see Preach My Gospel, chapter 5)