Saturday, September 26, 2009
Haven't Written Much Lately
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
High School

Alright, enough with the reminiscing. Now onto right now. I can't find anyone that I even have ONE class with! I can't even find anyone I'll see in the halls! Thats awful! aw well. At least I'll meet new people. Buttt... If you want.. You can recheck and report back to me! Here's the Schedule:
1: Szakowski
2: Thorne
3: Price
4: Miller
5: Elder
6: Price
7: Harris
8: Broach
You better get back to me on that!
Boating at Lake Oconee(?)
ABOVE: Me knee boarding. That was just in the first little part, though. I DID get up to holding the rope! And it was just my first time! Good job Megan!
ABOVE: Mini movie! I think it was supposed to be a picture, though. It was my first time tubing too. I was hard to throw off! I was on there for 6 rounds (time on the tube until somebody got throen off) and only fell off twice. And that was whenBrother Mitchel decided that I needed to be thrown off. First 2 I was with Katie. Both times she fell off. Then I went with Melissa. First time we both fell off together (did she fall on me??) and then I fell off. Then I went with Katie and stayed on. And no, its not Katie. I skimmed the water with my knees even and still stayed on with her! Oh, and we DID go over the wake! This was probably at the beginning too.
Other than that we were at the small beach and I floated on an inflatable thingy.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Ok, here it is:
Last week we were in Brunswick. And we had fun fun fun till the high tide took the sea shore awayyyy. We went swimming out on a sand bar, but had to back even though beyond the sand bar was where the only waves were! Ah well.
Monday: Went to the doctor. Liz came home from Las Vegas.
Tuesday: We were Supposed to go to the doctor to get shots, but the lady who supposedly made our appointment forgot to log it in!! At least i didn't have to get a shot :)
Wednesday: Went bowling and got ice cream conies at mcdonalds. Went to Young Womens.
Thursday: Grocery shopping with Mom and then Dairy Queen. Yummy :)
Friday: Went to Lenora Pool for cousin Seth's birthday. A kid threw up in the water while we were there and we had to wait 30 minutes to get back in. It was funny. Then I babysat my siblings.
Today: Went to the pound and saw doggies. We're thinking of maybe getting one. We're not sure yet, though. it's abig committment.
That is all. See ya next week on The Price is Right! Don't forget to have your pet spayed and neutered!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
I'm Completely Out of Books
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I Am Home!
So, today is a fairly good day. I woke up kind of late *ahem* *11:30* *a personal lateness record* *cough* But, I did my chores, read part of this book Sister Kimble wanted my mom to read. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. I think that's the name. I don't remember. It's really good. Now I have extra time to play on the computer. I want to watch tv. We recorded some stuff on the DVR while we were gone, but PJ is glued there. I think we might need in expert un-tv-gluing team to get him off of there. But I don't think such a team exists... Ah well. He is watching the science channel. Maybe the nonstop television viewing won't rot his brain that much. Ha ha. Just kidding. He'll get off soon enough (hopefully).
I don't remember what else I was going to say.. Oh! I remember one thing! Ally Carter, the writer of the gallagher girl books, is coming to Decatur in September! Yay! But I do not live in Decatur, creepy computer stalker people... Anyway, that will be fun. My friend has informed me that they don't have Don't Judge a Girl by her Cover at our Borders.. So, maybe there I can get the whole trilogy. Liz wanted to read the second one but its not at the library. Yeah. that's about it.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Real Computer!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Did you know...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
First Day of Actual Summer-summerness
So, i woke up at like 8:30. Mikayla and I went jogging at 9. I have resolved to get in shape before high school. :P` , ' yeah. We walk/jogged 3 miles.
Ummmm.... then I came home and painted some of my ceiling tiles. they're awesome. They are part of an ongoing trial to make my room not so plain brown. I painted on my wall, but mommy said that would lower the value of the house.... So I'll stick to ceiling tiles and some furniture. One of them was this awesome star and the other was a night scene. Perty.
Then me, PJ, and Liz washed mom's car. Then we played in the water and played marco polo with the hose :)
Now I am in here blogging. Soon (In like an hour) we're going to a group family home evening thing. Normally its just our family, but the first of every month is combined.
Sheesh. I'm bored. If you know my email address, email me. If not, contact me some other way and I'll get it to you. BOREDOM!!!
Oh! but in two weeks we're going to monticello, utah. that's where my grandparents live. Its a super small town but its amazing :)
Then in July we're going camping. In cabins. I'm not sure if that can still be considered camping. It's gonna be fun, anywho.
Ok, now back to BOREDOM!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Last Day of Middle School
Homeroom: Eh. Graciela brought yummy cookies for everyone :)
First Period: Arm-wrestled people and played BS(butterscotch) with Annalena, Jeremy, Nia, Justin, and Alena. I won :) I beat everyone except Jeremy at arm-wrestling.
Second Period: Played BS with Taylor an Morgan (:P) and Mr. Domingo. Decorated this big banner thing and ate a dum-dum
Third Period: showed everyone my phone and let them play with it :) Just sat around and talked with Martha, Jessie, Ngoc, Jeremy, and Annalena. Nathan tried to hug everyone. Ewww... I hate hugs
Fourth Period: Took a cell test. Took science final on clicker thingy. Sat around with Natalya, Heeyoon, and Wesley. Played a French vocab game :) Ate lunch. Came back and texted.
Hallway inbetween 4th and 6th: said bye to Ms. Dix :(
Sixth Period: Took Social Studies final. Got award for highest grade in social Studies :)
That concludes my fantabulously boring day. Everyone was crying but I'm not in the least sad. High School will be an adventure :) I'll be able to meet all new people. You see, this is what moving around a lot has done for me. Ah well. I'll still miss all you guys though :(
Here I come, high school!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Week Before Summer
Sunday we went to church. Fun.
Monday we spent a day at Hard Labor Creek. It was very fun :)
Then yesterday we had school. the misionaries came to eat with us. They all told us why they decided to come on missions. Very inspirational.
Today (school again) we mostly prepped for finals. We are having a secret pizza party in Mrs. Doeffingers class tomorrow. Shhhh!
Gangster from the Bot Scouts
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mormons do NOT practice polygamy!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Internet is back!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009
8th Grade Dance?

ABOVE: Sarah, Maria (Oh my gosh! She's wearing a dress!), and Meredith

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
All Is Well on the Southern Front
Well, today on the southern front, many victories were won for the Allies. Okay, so there were only two battles, but we won them both! Yay us!
School was good. today. CRCTs are DONE! Hurray! No more testing! Except for finals. But that's at the end of the year. We went to art and watched this video. Part of it was about the art of graffiti. Huh. Now I'm in fourth period. Ms. Mungin said we could do whatever, now that we're done. I'm in a good mood today. But we don't get to go to 7th period because of the CRCTs. :P
I don't have anything else to say. So... I guess that's it
Monday, April 27, 2009
You People
I don't know.
I am going to go to sleep
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
CRCTs are back on tomorrow :P Only two more days though! Then I will be FREE! Woohoo!
That is all.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I Told You Guys Caffeine Was Bad!
"Reducing or stopping caffeine is important for bipolar disorder. Yet when someone with bipolar disorder is feeling depressed, increasing caffeine can help that person boost the low mood. The problem is caffeine is a drug. And it's a drug that can alter mood and disrupt sleep. Caffeine can also diminish the sedative effects of medications, such as benzodiazepines, that are used to treat anxiety and mania associated with bipolar disorder"
I got it off of WebMD. Very useful site.
For the Beauty of the Earth/ My Backyard Expedition

Sidewalk Chalk Art

Monday, April 20, 2009
Then we went to the Hannah Montana movie! It was AWESOME! Yes, I highly recommend seeing it. After the movie, I was emptying out my purse that was full of trash. I kind of forgot that my phone was still in there though... It ended up at the bottom of the trash bin. I tried to dive down and get it, but alas, I couldn't. Mikayla bravely dove next. All you could se of her was her legs. People watched with dumbfounded expressions on their faces at this spectacle.
Then it was semi-formal church dance time! Melissa brought her friend Victoria. We all had lots of fun :) Kissa, Victoria, and I played kick-the-trash while people slow-danced. It was funny watching the people kick the crushed cup without even knowing it. They had a chocolate fountain this time :) I had about a zillion cream puffs and strawberries covered in chocolate.
Thus concludes Saturday.
I Am Out of Creative Titles
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday at 6:49
I just hand lotion on. My hands were extremely dry. I don't think I have any homework tonight. Woohoo! Again! I'm bored... I have nothing to do... Waaaaaaaa. I'm whiney :(
I had an omelette for dinner. Normally I hate eggs (along with cottage cheese), but i like my dad's omelettes. They are delicious. CRCT after two more instructional days :( Whoop-de-doo. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! School is almost over!
I need to get a new book at the library tomorrow. I finished the one I'm currently reading. Well, not currently anymore. We finished our book in reading too. And in language. I don't really have anything to read. That will be alright for the time being. I have realized teenage drama books are more interesting (and easier to read) than classics or science fiction books. Hm. I don't think I have anything else on my mind. The End.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The only one that has AR value is the latter. I don't want to read it :P I had to read it last year, and I simply don't feel like reading it again. I hope I remember everything...
The others are enjoyable.
The end.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Day Today!
Then I ate breakfast. I got ready for the day (brushed my teeth, showered, yada yada yada)
Went to the mall with Kanise and Heeyoon. We people-watched and looked for absurd outfits. It was fun. We played hide-and-go-seek. I was hiding; it was fun :) I got a new book. It seems interesting so far.
I came home, read for a little bit, then got whisked away to do dome babysitting. That was fun. We played freeze tag and mario carts and made a hammock.
Now I am home, awaiting tomorrow.
My sister found this awesome thing on facebook. I suggest you read it:
MormonsYou most likely know one. Whether you're aware of it or not.
Our real name is The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter Day Saints. Which means we're Christian :)
Sometimes we go by LDS. Mormon is a nickname given us because we believe in the Book of Mormon. We usually go by Mormon cuz that's how people know us...
We don't drink.
We don't smoke.
We don't drink coffee... and if you see one of us doing that, slap them and say "NO!"
Joseph Smith was the first LDS prophet. Brigham Young was the second.
BYU is a mormon college...There are 3 of them - one in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii. BYU stands for Brigham Young University.
We don't have sex before marriage.
We have more fun playing chutes and ladders than spin the bottle.
Not all of us have been Mormon our whole lives...
The high school-aged youth go to a seminary (like sunday school) class each morning before school.
Our church session is 3 hours long and we love it.
The mormon missionaries are the two coolest guys ever. Be nice to them ;P
It's true. We make the best green jello salad and casseroles you've ever tasted.
We think mormon jokes are funny.
We don't date till we're sixteen.
We know that groups dates are more fun anyway.
We know that the most fun dates - don't cost money.
We give talks in church in front of 150-300 people. how's that for public speaking?
We are stubborn as heck. We don't give in to peer pressure.
We have refreshments at almost ANY meeting.
We celebrate holidays by throwing either a BBque or a dinner.
We love to sing and dance.
If you go to a youth dance, you WILL see conga lines, break dancing, square or line dances and swing dancing.You will also participate in either the Chicken dance, or the Hokey Pokey ;P
Almost every mormon girl can play the piano.
We don't watch R-rated movies.
We dress modestly. Skirts/shorts to the knee, shirts with sleeves, one-piece bathing suits... that type of thing.
These standards are never supposed to be relaxed... EVEN FOR PROM.
We CAN use technology.
We CAN eat fast-food.
We DON'T practice polygamy.
If we ask you to go to an activity, it's NOT a conspiracy thing where we're trying to convert you. It means we have fun and we want to share that with you. Likely the church won't even really be mentioned while you're there.
If we ask you to go to church, it's because we care enough about you to want to share with you what we know and the blessings we've received.
If we give you a Book of Mormon, we're giving you the most precious gift we have. It may not have the same meaning to you at first. That book has changed lives for the better and when we see you going through hard times, we want to help. This is the best way we know of helping you. So don't be offended. Even if you don't want it, know that we care about you THAT much.
If you turn us down, it's ok.
If you think we're pushing you, tell us to knock it off! We'll stop.
If you ask us what we believe, only for the sake of arguing, we won't tell you. It's pointless to engage on that when you're not going to open your mind and listen.
Asking you to go to church, an activity, or giving you a Book of Mormon is incredibly hard. It's like a guy asking out his crush. Some of us are more comfortable in doing that than others. It's hard. So if we do it, be NICE! :)
We don't care what you wear, what you look like, as long as you come! We're happy to see you!
We'll live on pizza.
We know what it's like to push a handcart.
We have all sorts of useless skills and know a bunch of stupid games.
We do genealogy. It's pretty darn cool when you find out you're related to someone famous...or that you're royalty.
Your parents will let you go just about anywhere, as long as one of us goes with you.
Mothers LOVE mormon girls as babysitters.
PG movies ROCK!
We don't all love the Lion King.
The guy who owns the Marriot Hotels is Mormon.
Steve Martin is NOT mormon just because he did Cheaper by the Dozen.
We DO tend to have big families. The more the merrier.
The boys go on two-year missions when they turn 19. And no, they don't get to choose where they go.
RM stands for returned missionary. They make the best boyfriends and husbands, and every mormon girl wants one ^_^
Contrary to poplular belief, the majority of us would rather live in Antarctica than Utah
If you see anyone on TV (not on the BYU channel) under the age of fifty talking about mormons, they're probably lying.
It's nearly impossible to offend us - even if you do it on purpose.
We don't use bad language and we hate hearing it from others. But if you slip up, it's not a big deal. We still love you.
People like, respect and even admire us, but are rarely interested in hearing what we believe.
Donnie and Marie? Mormons.
The Bat Commander? Mormon.
Steve Young? Mormon
Gladys Knight? Mormon
We're not perfect. No one is. We make mistakes. We slip. Try not to judge us by one person who is struggling.
It's a club called, "Why Yes, I AM Mormon, thanks". Pertty nifty.
I should be getting off to bed now. Bye!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Savannah Trip: Day 2

I didn't take any really good pictures at dinner or the beach observatory or the church. That concludes day 2.