Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Last Day of '08

Oh my gosh! 2008 is over! Lucky for me, I saved some archives of the last day of the year! I had a very exciting day. I went to the doctor to have blood and urine tests and get a cancer vaccine! Woot Woot! Ouch, I forgot to take pictures of that... Well, all you need to know is that it was not fun. Then, Liz and I got haircuts! Mine is super ultra cute! Mainly because Liz straightened it for me :) I got 2 inches taken off :0 After that, we came home to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa Searles and go to Wal*Mart. Now it's time to PARTY! Oo oo! It's a church party. We get to hear President Monson speak (check out or if you don't know who that is), then we watch the peach drop (?) (I guess it's a Georgia thing).

ABOVE: Liz and Mom at the hair salon. Mom's favorite brand of hair product in the background.

ABOVE: Liz and Mom again. It seems as though Liz is still giving me strange looks for leaving my purse in the ice cream shop...

ABOVE: My foot. It's awesome, just admit it.

ABOVE: My haircut after Liz styled it for me.

ABOVE: Shopping at Wal*Mart with the family. L-R: Grandma, Liz (with haircut), and Cody.

ABOVE: Playing yahtzee at our "party". Yeah... It wasn't all I expected it to be. L-R: Janna(Kayla's friend), Mikayla, Cody, and Dad, who you can tell is winning

Before yahtzee, we watched the program A Brand New Year

Fun with coke, mentos, and the Noldens

The other Noldens came up to visit us for the after-holidays! During the time they shared with us, PJ decided to perform the famous "coke and mentos" project again. For Christmas he got a new gadget to use for this experiment. It went MUCH higher this time than the first time he did it.

ABOVE: Seth and Ashley watching PJ set up the coke.

ABOVE: Liz, Lyndsey (our cousin), and Katie (Lyndsey's friend) watching coke and mentos from the safety of the house.

ABOVE: Everyone watching the coke shoot 25 feet into the air. (From left to right: half of Seth, Ashley, Cody, Donovan, and half of Mom

ABOVE: PJ explains the science behind it all as Dad tells Aunt Lynn the left over coke is still good.

ABOVE: Cody, Grandpa Nolden, and Dad