Inevitably, at a point in everyone's life, they get to wondering how many licks it
really takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. That time in my life recently came up. So, me, my siblings, and a few friends placed bets to see who's guess would come the closest to the actual licks.

ABOVE: The guestimation sheet

ABOVE: The tally sheet... so far

ABOVE: PJ, my patient tallier :D He switched out with Mikayla halfway

ABOVE: Me, the appointed licker. My tongue hurt so stinkin bad1 Plus, PJ broke the stick off so I had to hold it with my fingers! (We added in the extra tallies

ABOVE: Another person gets crossed off the sheet
ABOVE: PJ telling me the "correct" way to notify him of a lick. He says I was saying, "em, en, ehn, em, en" He said to make it a definite "e"
ABOVE: The tally sheet again. We're not even a third of the way done.

ABOVE: Kayla takes over
ABOVE: VIDEO ALERT! The Licking in Action
ABOVE: Finished product: We used 2 1/2 sheets of paper, right down to the center of the tootsie pop. That was 1,995 licks. Behold my sticky fingers...

ABOVE: And my red tongue
Megan! Do you have nothing better to do than this?! And you talk about me! I don't want my children spending their time doing stuff like this! 'em, em, em, em,' ughh..