I'm tired :P Why don't I just go to sleep? I don't know. Eh. My camera decided to die on me :( So now its charging until morning. I"m tired. Liz got a door today. Now I can't wander in there whenever :( Ha.
So today we went to the Jonas Brother Concert movie thing :D It was fun :) The glasses were especially amazing! Ha, I poked the lenses out and they look so nerdy! But since my camera died, I can't put the pictures on till Monday. Nah, I"m gonna be busy on Monday. Eh, I'll get to it eventually. La la la. Liz is reading. I'm tired. I wonder if I can sleep and blog at the same time... Er.. Maybe that's not a very good idea....
I digested the whole entire April 2009 Reader's Digest today. Ha. How many of YOU can say you've done that? Oh! I have accomplished a great feat! Just kidding. "Over my head" by the fray is a good song. I'm bored.
I haven't gotten ANY e-mails today. I hope that everyone is still alive. Well, yup. I was bored.
I CLEANED MY ROOM TODAY! Mom says it isn't "clean clean", but I say it's better than it has been in a long time :D It is beautiful. I can see my floor :)
Uncle Larry made me a sliding door :) Ha. They took off my door, only to find that the new door wasn't the right size. So now my door is off its hinges, but Uncle Larry taught me how I could still use it functionally. I don't even think that's a real word. Ah well.
I wonder... I must tell the world:
I finished all of B and C on the math work!!!!!! I' so happy! And it all came out of guess and checkish type stuff! Ha. Jacqueline(? hope I spelled that right) and Jeremy are going to be so proud of me :) Ha, yeah right. They probably finished it all. I"m much slower than they are :) Ha. I'm nerdy and proud of it!
I will now explain to you in great detail how I... Wait! No! Then you other people will figure it out!! AAaaaaA! Ah well, I will tell my story vaguely. But only B:
So, I was in Bishop's car riding up to the temple on Friday afternoon. In the back seat were me, Liz, and Kadison. I was trying desperately how to figure out that stinkin problem. All to no avail. Until... A great idea struck my head! I had figured it out! So I had to scribble out all my extraneous work, because all I needed to figure it out was a simple addition problem. And I'm pretty sure that everyone in the car was irritated by my exclamations of "Oh my gosh! I can't believe i actually figured it out!"
Anyhow, tell Jacqueline and Jeremy! They are going to be so proud of the person that was allegedly going to be shot :D
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