Why am I doing this?
Why am I blogging?
I think I have a problem
But I don't know
We are starting the poetry unit at school
Have you seen the songs at the bottom?
They are my favorite that I care to find
Tomorrow is my pretend birthday
I think I will throw a party
It will be very special
Or I will just come to school
And be happy
I am writing in stanzas
But this is not a poem
Ah well, the motto of my life
I must be patient
Patient for the sun to rise
Patient for my work to turn out well
Patient that certain hearts will be softened
Patience so that the world can work itself out
Colors make blogging funner
Is funner correct?
I don't know
I have a problem
I need to quite procrastinating
Go and do all my duties
But I'd rather not
Ah well, I have to
But not right this minute
Because I'm having so much fun
Yet my mind is confused
It doesn't know how to handle certain things
Like life in general
Let all my thoughts come out
An unwise thing to do
Not many people know the way around my brain
Only three, if any
Not my friends, yet
I hope they can get there soon
It's nice having people to understand you
People who care
They care, but they don't know
They don't know a third of it, yet
Maybe they will know soon
Am I going to publish this?
Maybe it will motivate people to get inside my head
Do I really want them to?
Ah well, I must go
Please try to understand
How my head works
Then, maybe, you'll comprehend
Interesting. . .